
Eight stars drifted in gigantic circles around the black hole Ketosis (designation Black Hole K), their orbits slowly degrading over the aeons. Eventually they would be consumed, but the generations that will witness that event will have nothing in their histories about those who were there today. Inquisitor Berlin had been investigating reports of whole cities gone mad in the planets in the Circle system, populations devolved into blood, lust, disease and madness. Within his great cruiser was a ground force of elite Grey Knight terminators, but he felt it wise to bring in outside help for this mission; warriors of a more disposable nature. There were no local guard to speak of, merely militia, and even so they would prove too frail for the task at hand. The Astartes also had no significant presence nearby, bar for one small outpost. A veteran chapel; a space station orbiting a barren world, where the most decorated of the Novamarines would take pilgrimage to reflect on the glory of t...