
Showing posts from July, 2020

A More Refined Taste

Hank's family had been in the ore refining business on the planet Quickshard for as far back as he knew. His father ran the company, and his father before him, and before that who knows: who keeps that much history?  Taggltopp was a semi-precious beige stone used in costume jewellery. Its value was in quantity over quality, the fashion in this galactic segment was to wear overdone neck pieces studded with hundreds of taggltopp  'gems'. Rank after rank arrayed in rows. Hank's company, Quickstrip Inc, was the sole refiner on Quickshard, and had exclusive access to all the manufacturers on the nearby worlds. Taggltopp refining was nothing special. The basic business nous of Hank, and his father before him, and his father before him, was that you sell at a fair price: not too high, not too low. Too low, you are not making enough profit, especially after the mineral excise you send to Marquet, the planetary governor. Too high, and people will start to wonder if there are oth